We offer the solutions you need to learn about and take charge of your vision. Our goal is to be your go-to source for all your vision needs.



39608 Eureka Dr. Newark, CA 94560


+1 (510) 455-8168


Solving Real Problems For People | Tibor Laczay

Tibor Laczay is truly disrupting and transforming an industry fighting to retain its hold on the market — and losing the battle. In 2003 with his wife and co-founder, they started in their garage with no outside funding of any sort and created what is now Zenni Optical. If you are a glasses-wearing individual like […]


Save Your Vision Month

Protect your vision today for a clearer tomorrow! Prioritize eye health with regular check-ups, screen breaks, and proper eyewear. Your eyesight is invaluable – let’s keep it safe and strong! 👁️💪 #EyeHealth #VisionCare #SaveYourVision

EyeQue 360

EyeQue360- Understanding the factors that impact your vision. Part4

– by EyeQue360 Team Environmental and lifestyle factors play a significant role in influencing vision health. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight can increase the risk of developing conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Excessive screen time, particularly with digital devices, can lead to digital eye strain, dry eyes, and blurred vision due […]


EyeQue At-Home Test Devices

Do you know your vision markers, and how can you test them at home? Check out this video to know more. [Vision Markers, Eye Diseases, Eyecare, Optometrist, Ophthalmologist, EyeQue, EyeQue Insight Lite, EyeQue Insight, Vision Marker Screening]


Donor Profile: Dr. John A. Serri, PhD ’80

Physics alum has a vision for eye exam app Sandi Miller | Department of PhysicsMarch 28, 2018 With the invention of two inexpensive optical devices and a free smartphone app that provides a DIY eye exam, John Serri thinks he may be one of the oldest startup entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. But as he told […]

EyeQue 360

EyeQue360- Understanding the factors that impact your vision. Part3

– by EyeQue360 Team Systemic diseases can have significant implications for vision health, affecting various aspects of visual function and eye structure. We have compiled a common system diseases list for easy understanding. Overall, the diverse array of systemic diseases underscores the importance of regular eye examinations and collaborative management between healthcare providers to address potential […]

California's CCPA

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