EyeQue PDCheck: Get Your Pupillary Distance Easily
What is it?
PD, or pupillary distance, is the distance between your eye’s pupils in millimeters (mm) that is important for ordering eyeglasses online or in person.
Incorrect PD can cause discomfort, blurry vision, and dizziness.
How does it work?
Simply wear the EyeQue PDCheck frame and take a selfie through the PDCheck app.
PDCheck App analyzes the image and provides your PD with an accuracy of +/- 1 mm.
Easy and convenient – as simple as taking a selfie.
Accurate – reliable PD measurement within 1 mm.
Made for sharing with friends and family.
Perfect for ordering glasses online.
Peace of mind knowing your glasses will be comfortable and provide clear vision.
The PDCheck should not be shared with users exhibiting signs of eye infection.
Compatible smartphone with an Internet connection.
Apple iOS 11.0 or above.
Android OS 5.0 or above with 4GB of RAM.
Smartphone must have a screen resolution of at least 250 pixel per inch (PPI).
Smartphone display screen size of at least 4.7 inches.
The PDCheck app is available from the App Store or Play Store.
Fill out the form below to be removed from EyeQue’s records.
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